Support Services

Invoice Fees and Definitions


Item NumberNameDescription
ACHCACH Credit TransactionPer Item fee for ACH Credit transactions
ACHCHACH Chargeback Fee
(R05, R07, R10, R29)
Per item fee for ACH Chargebacks during a billing period
ACHCRACH Credit RejectPer item fee for rejected ACH Credit transactions
ACHDACH Debit TransactionPer item fee for rejected ACH Debit transactions
ACHDRACH Debit RejectPer item fee for rejected ACH Debit transactions
ACHMACH Monthly FeeSet monthly ACH fee. This fee is only charged when ACH Debit/Credit transactions or rejected ACH Debit/Credit transactions occur during the billing period or if the ForceMonthlyAccessFee flag has been set.
ACHNOCACH Notice of ChangePer item fee for each ACH Notification of Change (e.g., change in bank account name, incorrect routing number, etc.) received from the ACH Network
ACHRECALLACH Transaction RecallPer item fee for each ACH transaction recall. This fee is calculated by getting the sum total of Billing Comment Category ID 72 from the Merchant Comments during a billing period.
ACHREVERSEACH Reversal RequestPer item fee for each ACH reversal. This fee is calculated by getting the sum total of Billing Comment Category ID 70 from the Merchant Comments during a billing period.
ACTIVATEMerchant Account
Set amount for reactivating a merchant account after a temporary closure.
ADJAdjustment FeeTotal of adjustment type billing comments
ATMVForte Verify TransactionPer Item fee for Forte Verify transactions
ATMv1Forte Verify Real-Time (Level 1)Obsolete product. Per item fee for Forte Verify Real-Time (Level 1) transactions. The amount discounted over the billing period determines the unit sell price of this product.

AUTHAuthenticate Per TransactionPer transaction fee for Authenticate.
AUTHMAuthenticate Monthly FeeMonthly fee for Authenticate.
AUIAccount Updater Item FeePer item fee for every credit card token updated using the following codes:
- Contac
- Expiry
- C
- E
- V
 - A
AUMAccount Updater Monthly FeeFlat monthly fee for using Account Updater.
BANKCHANGEBank Account ChangePer item fee for each bank account change. This fee is calculated by getting the sum total of a Billing Comment Category from the Merchant Comments during the billing period.
BILLPAYOnline Bill PaymentPrice per BillPayIt bill loaded in the system when invoicing is run.
BPAYFLATOnline Bill Payment with Flat Rate TieringFlat fee based on the tiered number of bills in BillPay.
CCP34DCredit Card Transactions - Debit RateVantiv 4-Tiered fee for processing debit card transactions. This fee is calculated my multiplying the set percentage by the total transaction amount.
CCP34MCredit Card Transactions - Mid-Qualified SurchargeVantiv 3/4-Tiered Mid-Qualified Billing fee for processing credit cards. This fee is calculated my multiplying the set percentage by the total transaction amount.
CCP34NCredit Card Transactions - Non-Qualified SurchargeVantiv 3/4-Tiered Non-Qualified Billing fee for processing credit cards. This fee is calculated my multiplying the set percentage by the total transaction amount.
CCP34QCredit Card Transactions - Base RateVantiv 3/4-Tiered Base/Qualified Billing fee for processing credit cards. This fee is calculated my multiplying the set percentage by the total transaction amount.
CCPAMEXCredit Card Processing - American ExpressFor Vantiv AMEX transactions only. This fee is calculated by multiplying the set percentage by the total transaction amount.
CCPAmItemCredit Card Processing - American Express Transaction Per ItemPer item fee for processing American Express transactions. Only for Vantiv merchants processing American Express.
CCPBINCredit Card Processing - BINAmount-based percentage fee.
CCPBPSCredit Card Processing - Basis Points
CCPChgBkCredit Card Processing - ChargebackPer item fee for each credit card chargeback.
CCPDACredit Card Processing - Dues and AssessmentsFor Vantiv merchants. Various dues and assessments levied by the card brands (i.e., FANF).
CCPercentCredit Card Processing - Flat PercentageFor Vantiv VISA/MAST/DISC transactions only. This fee is calculated by multiplying the set percentage by the total transaction amount.
CCPintCredit Card Processing - InterchangeThe total interchange for VISA/MAST/DISC transactions on Vantiv.
CCPItemCredit Card Processing - Transaction Per ItemPer item fee for each Vantiv credit card transaction.
CCPMCredit Card Monthly Statement FeeCredit card monthly statement fee
CCPMLOCCredit Card Processing Merchant LocationThe merchant location processing fee for MasterCard
CCPSplitCredit Card ProcessingPer item fee for each override performed on a merchant account. If an override record exists when generating a merchant invoice, the defined commission-split rate for all Vantiv products is used (except for CCPM and CCPItem products).
CCPRFANFFixed Acquirer Network Fee for Card Present (Retail)Monthly fixed fee for merchants performing card-present VISA transactions.
CCPMFANFFixed Acquirer Network Fee for Card Not PresentMonthly fixed fee for merchants performing card-not-present VISA transactions.
CDISCCredits Discount FeeACH Credit Discount Fee
DPMFDex Portal Monthly FeeDex Portal Monthly Fee
DISCDiscount FeeACH Debit Discount Fee
DISCMACH Monthly Discount Fee (Manual)Monthly ACH Debit Discount Fee
EARLYTERMAccount Early Termination FeeSet amount applied if a merchant closes his/her account with 365 days from the creation date.
EARLYFUNDEarly FundingPer item fee for each transaction that receives early funding. This fee is calculated by getting the sum total of Billing Comment Category ID 68 from the Merchant Comments during a billing period.
EQUIPMENTEquipment Monthly FeePer item fee for equipment usage during a specific billing period. This fee is calculated by getting the sum total of Billing Comment Category ID 90 from the Merchant Comments during a billing period.
EXCESSExcessive ReturnsPer item fee for rejected transactions that is only billed if the following two conditions are met:

The merchant has 10 or more returns for the billing period.

The percentage of rejected transactions vs. regular transactions is greater than 40%.
FPPIForte Protect Per ItemPer item fee for each credit card swipe transaction that uses the Forte Protect encryption service.
FTVLValidate Per TransactionThis is the per item charge for an essential transaction in order to meet March 19, 2021 Nacha ACH web debit transactions
FTVMMonthly Validate FeeThis is the optional monthly fee partners can charge merchants.
FUNDINGCFunded Transaction - CreditPer item fee for funded credit transactions
FUNDINGDFunded Transactions - DebitPer item fee for funded debit transactions
FVMForte Verify Monthly FeeSet amount monthly fee for each location subscribed to Forte Verify
GWDFGateway Discount FeeSet amount calculated by multiplying the cost percentage amount by the transaction amount from that billing period.
IDVERIFYIDVerify TransactionsPer item fee for IDVerify transactions. The amount discounted over the billing period determines the unit sell price of the product.
LRGACHACH Large Dollar SurchargeTiered per item fee for ACH transactions based on their amount. Pricing tiers are actually amount ranges instead of quantity ranges.
LrgACHPctACH Large Dollar Surcharge PercentTiered discount fee for ACH transactions based on their amount. Pricing tiers are actually amount ranges instead of quantity ranges.
MANUALBILLManual Billing FeeSet amount applied if the merchant has a cost entry.
MMFMonthly Minimum FeeMinimum amount billed if the total transaction costs are below the set minimum monthly cost. Excludes revenue from monthly and one-time products (7, 8, 20, 21, 27, 28, 30, 31, 45, 46, 47, 49)
NCNNCN Verify TransactionPer item fee for NCN Verify transactions
PBBRDFeeBoarding Fee for PayFac-in-a-boxOne-time fee per merchant for PayFac-in-a-box boarding.
PBDISPApiCredit Card Dispute File Delivery via API (Monthly)Set monthly amount for delivery of credit card disputes via API
PBDISPPorCredit Card Dispute Management Portal (Monthly)Set monthly amount for dispute management via Dex.
PBMMFeeMonthly Maintenance Fee for PayFac-in-a-boxSet monthly amount for PayFac-in-a-Box maintenance, including tokenization, data retention, basic reporting, and APIs. 
PBINTFileCredit Card Interchange File for PayFac-in-a-boxPer item fee we charge each time we receive a raw interchange file from Wells Fargo.
PCIForte PCI Compliance Program FeeSet amount for participation in the PCI Compliance program.
PCINONForte PCI Non-Compliance FeeSet amount for PCI non-compliance
PGCCGateway Credit Card TransactionPer item fee for credit card transactions
PGDEBGateway Debit Card TransactionsNo calculation performed
PGMGateway Monthly FeeSet monthly access fee for the payment gateway. This fee is only charged when gateway transactions, including credit and debit card transactions, occur within the billing period or when the ForceGatewayFee flag is set.
PGVGateway TransactionPer item fee for all EFT transactions
REBATECollected NSF Fee RebatesRebate of a set percentage for each Non-Sufficient Funds fee collected within the billing period.
SETUPMerchant Enrollment/SetupSet, one-time enrollment and setup fee. This fee is only billed if the merchant was created in the actual billing period.
TRAININGMerchant Training and ConfigurationSet, one-time training and configuration fee. This fee is only billed if the merchant was created in the actual billing period.
TRIPLCHKTriple CheckPer item fee for each TripleCheck performed
WSUPPRETWSUPP RetrievalPer item fee for retrieving a Written Statement Under Penalty of Perjury affidavit. This fee is calculated by getting the sum total of Billing Comment Category ID 76 from the Merchant Comments during the billing period.

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