Response Codes
All processed transactions return a response. Only approved transactions return the “A01” response code. Declined transactions return “U” response codes.
A01 | APPROVED | Transaction approved/completed |
A03 | PARTIAL AUTHORIZATION | Transaction approved for a partial authorization (CC only) |
R01 | INSUFFICIENT FUNDS | The balance is not sufficient to cover the value of the transaction |
R02 | ACCOUNT CLOSED | A previously open account has been closed |
R03 | NO ACCOUNT | The account is closed or doesn't match the name submitted |
R04 | INVALID ACCOUNT NUMBER | The account number structure is invalid |
R05 | PRENOTE NOT RECEIVED | Pre-notification was not received |
R06 | RETURNED PER ODFI | ODFI has requested RDFI to return this item |
R07 | AUTHORIZATION REVOKED | Account holder has revoked the company's authorization |
R08 | PAYMENT STOPPED | Account holder has stopped payment on this single transaction |
R09 | UNCOLLECTED FUNDS | Balance is sufficient, but can't be released until uncollected items are collected |
R10 | NO AUTHORIZATION | Account holder advises that the transaction is not authorized |
R11 | CHECK SAFEKEEPING RETURN | Return of a check safekeeping entry return |
R12 | BRANCH SOLD | The account is not at a branch that was sold to another financial institution |
R13 | RDFI NOT QUALIFIED | RDFI not qualified to participate |
R14 | DECEASED | The account holder is deceased |
R15 | BENEFICIARY DECEASED | The beneficiary entitled to benefits is deceased |
R16 | ACCOUNT FROZEN | Funds are unavailable due to action by RDFI or other legal action |
R20 | NON-TRANSACTION ACCOUNT | Policies/regulations restrict activity to this account |
R23 | PAYMENT REFUSED | The account holder refuses the transaction because the amount is inaccurate for another legal reason |
R24 | DUPLICATE ENTRY | The transaction appears to be a duplicate item |
R26 | MANDATORY ERROR | The transaction is missing data from a mandatory field |
R28 | INVALID TRN | The Transit Routing Number is invalid |
R29 | CORPORATE NOT AUTHORIZED | The corporate receiver has notified RDFI that the Corp entry is not authorized |
R31 | ODFI PERMITS LATE RETURN | ODFI agrees to accept a return |
R50 | INVALID COMPANY ID | The OwnerCompany ID field is not valid |
R56 | INVALID TRANSACTION DATE | The date specified is invalid |
R57 | STALE DATE | The transaction is too old for processing |
R95 | OVER LIMIT | This transaction is over your authorized limit |
R96 | ACCOUNT ON HOLD | This company account is on hold |
R97 | RDFI DOES NOT PARTICIPATE | RDFI does not allow this type of transaction |
R98 | INVALID PASSWORD | The password supplied was invalid |
R99 | DECLINED UPAID ITEMS | This account or ID has been declined due to unpaid items |
S01 | FUNDED (1st attempt) | Transaction funded on the first attempt |
S02 | FUNDED (2nd attempt) | Transaction funded on the second attempt |
S03 | FUNDED (3rd attempt) | Transaction funded on the third attempt |
U01 | MERCH AUTH REVOKED | Merchant not allowed to access customer account (EFT only) |
U02 | ACCOUNT NOT APPROVED | Customer account is in Forte's "known bad" account list (EFT only) |
U02 | TRN NOT APPROVED | Routing number passes checksum test but not valid for ACH |
U03 | DAILY TRANS LIMIT | Merchant daily limit exceeded (EFT only) |
U04 | MONTHLY TRANS LIMIT | Merchant monthly limit exceeded (EFT only) |
U05 | AVS FAILURE ZIPCODE | AVS state/zip code check failed |
U06 | AVS FAILURE AREACODE | AVS state/area code check failed |
U07 | AVS FAILURE EMAIL | AVS anonymous email check failed |
U08 | DAILY VELOCITY | Merchant has exceeded the maximum number of transactions per hour, which may indicate a security problem. This error rarely occurs, but if you receive it, contact Forte immediately. |
U09 | WINDOW VELOCITY | Merchant has exceeded the maximum number of transactions per hour, which may indicate a security problem. This error rarely occurs, but if you receive it, contact Forte immediately. |
U10 | DUPLICATE TRANSACTION | Transaction has the same attributes as another transaction within the time set by the merchant |
U11 | RECUR TRANS NO FOUND | Transaction types 40-42 only |
U12 | UPDATE NOT ALLOWED | Original transaction not voidable or capture-able |
U13 | ORIG TRANS NOT FOUND | Transaction to be voided or captured not found |
U14 | BAD TYPE FOR ORIG TRANS | Void/capture and original transaction types do not agree (CC/EFT) |
U15 | ALREADY VOIDED ALREADY CAPTURED | Transaction was previously voided or captured |
U18 | UPDATE FAILED | Void or Capture failed |
U19 | INVALID TRN | Account ABA number if invalid |
U20 | INVALID CREDIT CARD NUMBER | Credit card number is invalid |
U21 | BAD START DATE | Date is malformed |
U22 | SWIPE DATA FAILURE | Swipe data is malformed |
U23 | INVALID EXPIRATION DATE | Malformed expiration date |
U25 | INVALID AMOUNT | Negative amount |
U26 | INVALID DATA | Invalid data present in transaction |
U27 | CONV FEE NOT ALLOWED | Merchant sent a convenience fee but is not configured to accept one |
U28 | CONV FEE INCORRECT | Merchant configured for convenience fee but did not send one |
U29 | CONV FEE DECLINED | Convenience fee transaction failed - SplitCharge model only |
U30 | PRINCIPAL DECLINED | Principal transaction failed - SplitCharge model only |
U51 | MERCHANT STATUS | Merchant is not "live" |
U52 | TYPE NOT ALLOWED | Merchant not approved for transaction type (CC or EFT) |
U53 | PER TRANS LIMIT | Transaction amount exceeds merchant's per transaction limit (EFTs only) |
U54 | INVALID MERCHANT CONFIG | Merchant's configuration requires updating - call Customer Support |
U80 | PREAUTH DECLINE | Transaction was declined due to preauthorization (ATM Verify) result |
U81 | PREAUTH TIMEOUT | Preauthorizer not responding (Verify Only transactions only) |
U82 | PREAUTH ERROR | Preauthorizer error (Verify Only transactions only) |
U83 | AUTH DECLINE | Transaction was declined due to authorizer declination |
U84 | AUTH TIMEOUT | Authorizer not responding |
U85 | AUTH ERROR | Authorizer error |
U86 | AVS FAILURE AUTH | Authorizer AVS check failed |
U87 | AUTH BUSY | Authorizing Vendor busy, may be resubmitted (CC only) |
U88 | PREAUTH BUSY | Verification vendor busy, may be resubmitted (type 26 only) |
U89 | AUTH UNAVAIL | Vendor service unavailable (CC only) |
U90 | PREAUTH UNAVAIL | Verification service unavailable (type 26 only) |
X02 | VOIDED | Transaction was voided |