The below chart provides details on our transaction status codes:
Forte Transaction Status Codes
Authorized | The customer's payment was authorized. To complete the sale, the item must be captured from the transaction's detail page. |
Complete | eCheck verification was performed and the results were positive (POS) or unknown (UNK). |
Declined | Transaction was declined for reasons detailed in Response Code and Response Description. |
Failed | eCheck verification was performed and the results were negative (NEG) or the transaction failed for reasons detailed in the Response Code and Response Description. |
Funded | eCheck item was funded to or from the merchant's bank account. |
Ready | Transaction was received and is awaiting origination (echeck) or settlement (credit card). |
Rejected | eCheck item has been rejected or returned by the client's financial institution. Merchant will not be funded for the item. |
Review | Transaction was unable to be settled due to a merchant configuration issue. Please contact Customer Service to resolve (866.290.5400 Option 1). |
Settled | Credit Card itme has been funded to the merchant's bank account. |
Settling | eCheck item has been originated and Forte is awaiting the settlement results. |
Unfunded | Previously funded eCheck itme has been returned and funding was reversed. |
Voided | Transaction was voided and item will not be originated or settled. |