Support Services

State of Rhode Island V400c Replacement Process

The following article outlines the process for replacing a V400c terminal for the State of Rhode Island DMV and AAA. 

*The State of Rhode Island DMV and AAA receive free V400c terminals as well as free replacements(It does not matter if the equipment is still under warranty). 

*All State of Rhode Island terminals are configured with a static IP and a specific supervisor password(8636805).

*When ordering a replacement terminal for any State of Rhode Island DMV or AAA location, please reference the following spreadsheet for the static IP information for that specific terminal: Copy of CC Update Tracking-2023_NEW.xlsx

*You will need to replace the serial number of the old/defective terminal, with the serial number of the new/replacement terminal on the spreadsheet. 

*You will also need to provide the Customer Delivery team with the static IP information for the replacement terminal(when assigning the ticket back to Customer Delivery). Here is an example: 

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