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V400c - Frequently Asked Questions

Your quick guide to common questions and solutions for the V400c terminal.

I’m getting a Device Not Detected message in Forte Checkout or Secure Web Pay Checkout. What should I do?

When the device is not detected by Forte Checkout or Secure Web Pay application and the “Read Card” button is not displayed, ensure the terminal is: powered on, securely connected to the PC and in listening mode. (In Listening mode, tapping on the terminal’s home screen or pressing the green button on the terminal would not navigate to the Sale screen.)

If this does not resolve the error, try starting/restarting the Device Handler from Windows Services.

Does the terminal need to be always connected to the internet?

Yes, the terminal should always be connected to the internet via either Ethernet or WiFi.

What kind of cable is required to connect the V400C Plus to PC?

You will need the following to connect the V400C Plus to your PC: Adapter (RS-232 male-to-Mini-USB female adapter) and Cable Mini-USB-to-USB cable, both are available in

What firewall information should I provide to my IT Department?

The following information should be provided to your IT Department: Port 80 and 443 needs to be opened in the firewall.

The terminal uses the following URL/IP addresses: and

How can I identify a transaction that originated from a V400C Plus?

The V400C Plus passes a Source field that indicates if the transaction originated on a V400C Plus device. A separate Active Terminal Report will be created for V400C Plus devices.

Does the V400C Plus support DHCP and Static connections?

Terminals can be either DHCP or Static.

How many Location IDs/MIDs can be loaded on the V400C Plus?

The V400C Plus supports up to 10 locations/MIDs.

Can I use the cable/adapter from the VX520 with the V400C Plus?

No, the V400C requires a different adapter, but uses the same cable as the VX520 device. 

My terminal is not waking up. What should I do?

Ensure that the terminal cables are plugged in securely and the required drivers are set up and are working properly.

  1. Verify communications is attempted over the right port and the port is not being used by any other programs.
  2. The pg_merchant_id included in the transaction message is configured in the terminal.
  3. The parameter Primary TXN comm link type (CDPTCT) is set correctly. NOTE: It should be set to 3 when connecting through WiFi and 2 when connecting through Ethernet.
  4. If the items listed above are properly configured and the terminal is still not waking up, try rebooting the terminal.

I’m getting a “Host Connect Failed” error. What should I do?

This error indicates that the terminal does not have an internet connection. To check the internet connection, complete the following steps:

  1. Hit 1 – 5 – 9 at the same time.
  2. From the listed modules, select Com Control
  3. Select More > Diagnostics > Ping
  4. Enter for IP and select Continuous or Single.
  5. If you get a success message, the terminal is connected to the internet.

V400c Plus User Manual Desktop (


V400c Plus User Manual Mobile (

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