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V400c - Integrating with Custom Applications

Integrating with Custom Applications

Merchants coding their own web or .NET native application for Windows OS to connect with the V400C Plus can choose the appropriate device handlers or write their own code to communicate with the device. For merchants using native, Windows-based POS applications, Forte recommend using the Device Handler. Refer to Setting Up Payment Device Handler section. (Setting Up Payments Device Handler)

Merchants coding for other operating systems or using other development platforms will have to write their own code to connect to the device. The POS application can include any of the requested parameters described in the Advanced Gateway Interface integration guide in the transaction message.

  1. The V400C Plus begins in listening mode, waiting for a transaction message from the POS application. 
  2. The POS application sends a VISA-1 framed transaction message to the V400C Plus through the USB port. See the Creating the Message link for more detail on formatting messages.
  3. Once the V400c Plus receives the data, it validates the message to ensure the minimum required fields, pg_merchant_id and pg_total_amount, are present. The provided Merchant ID is configured in the terminal.
  4. If the message is valid, the V400C Plus displays the total amount to the customer and prompts him or her to present the credit card.
  5. When the customer presents the card, the V400C Plus sends the authorization request to Forte and receives the authorization response: 

If the transaction is Approved, the V400C Plus prints a receipt (if receipt printing is enabled) and passes the response back to the POS application. If receipt printing is disabled, refer to the Formatting EMV-Compliant

If the transaction is Declined, the V400C Plus displays the decline message and passes the response back to the POS application.

        6. The V400C reverts to listening mode to receive the next transaction message.

Generating Keys

Requests to Checkout require a hashed signature for authentication. This signature is created using your unique credentials, including a private key that you’ll use when hashing signed elements. To integrate with Forte Checkout, use Forte’s Dex application to create your API credentials. Please refer to this Video link or our PDF guide to know more.

Coding the Button

To create the Pay Now button for your site, you will first need to generate your API Access ID and API Secure Key in Dex. You can also set up a test account by clicking this link to submit your request.


The following scripts invoke Checkout and should be placed in the <head> section of your website: for sandbox testing for production

The code below represents the minimal HTML code required to generate a payment button. If you want Checkout to capture additional information, such as a customer’s shipping address, refer to our Parameters Guide.

Caution: Once you save your API Secure Key, you will not be able to see the value again. If you forget your API Secure Key or it becomes compromised, you will have to regenerate the value in Dex.

Note: Checkout’s Pay Now button uses an HTML form POST action with a signature to create the modal window. 

To know more refer to CSG Forte Checkout.

V400c Plus User Manual Desktop (

V400c Plus User Manual Mobile (

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