Support Services

V400c - Integrating with Forte Checkout

Integrating with Forte Checkout

To set up your V400C Plus with Forte Checkout, complete the following steps:

  1. Download and install the Forte Payments Device Handler and the Verifone Unified Driver. Refer to the Setting Up Payments Device Handler. (Setting Up Payments Device Handler)
  2. In your button code, pass in the swipe=EMV-1parameter. This indicates that Forte Checkout should accept input from the V400C Plus. Refer to the Coding the Button section. (Open ports in Windows Firewall)
  3. The Forte Checkout modal window displays a Read Card button. Once the button is clicked, Forte Checkout sends the amount to be collected to the device and the device will prompt the customer to present his/her card.
  4. Once the customer presents his/her card, the V400C Plus reads the card, sends an authorization request to Forte, and then receives the authorization response:
  5. If the transaction is approved, the V400C Plus prints an EMV-compliant receipt and passes the authorization response message to Forte Checkout.

If the transaction is declined, the V400C Plus displays a decline message and passes the decline response back to Forte Checkout, which displays the decline code and reason.

  6. With this set up, receipt printing is only handled by the V400C Plus.

Caution: For the terminal to wake up when initiating a transaction, the terminal should be connected to the computer (via the USB cable) and the device handler should be running before the terminal is started (or restarted). The terminal should be started (or restarted) every time the device handler is installed (or reinstalled) or the computer is started (or restarted).

V400c Plus User Manual Desktop (

V400c Plus User Manual Mobile (

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