Support Services

Signer/Primary Contact Change Form


To update or remove signers on your account, please use the Signer/Primary Contact Change form. Submit this form to request the changes, and the authorized individual on the account will receive confirmation via email.

If you encounter issues with the online form, you may also use the attached PDF version and send the document following the instructions at the bottom of the form respectively.

Select the Form

Online version 

Government customers

Government Signer/Primary Contact Change Form

Non-government customers

Signer Contact Change Form

Non-government customers

Primary Contact Change Form

Additional Information

To update government signers on the Forte merchant account when officials leave office or new individuals take over, please provide the following documents:

1. Signer Memos: A letter on official letterhead detailing the change in duties, the effective date, and the names of individuals to be removed. This letter must be signed by an authorized person whose name and title can be verified on the government website.
2. Meeting Minutes: A publicly available document from a meeting where the change was discussed or approved. If the Forte merchant account was mentioned, include the relevant section. This is typically found on the county's website.
3. Certification: A copy of any certificate issued to the new or departing official, if applicable.

For non-government customers, this form is for signatory changes only. Any other account modifications require different procedures. Submission of the form does not guarantee approval, and confirmation will be sent via Freshdesk once processed.

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