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What testing data can I use for Address Verification Service (AVS) testing in Sandbox?

For more detail on AVS and CVV verifications, see Verifying Credit Cards. Use the following AVS testing data in the Sandbox testing environment only. AVS testing in the Sandbox environment can only simulate the following results:

  • Y = Match: Street Address and 5-digit Zip Code both match
  • N = No Match: Street Address, 5-digit Zip Code, and 9-digit Zip Code all do not match.

CVV testing in the Sandbox environment can only simulate the following following results:

  • M = Match
  • N = No Match
Credit Card Account NumberAuthorization AmountSales Tax AmountAVS/CVV Result



How do I include service fees in my transaction?

Typically, the merchant includes the service fee in the transaction by specifying the service_fee parameter and including the amount of the service fee in the total amount of the transaction, or the authorization_amount. For example, if a taxi company charges a $100 fare with a $3.00 service fee, the transaction request would include the following parameters:


NOTE: Forte must configure a location to allow service fees.

How do I get scheduling information for a processed item?

This tutorial overviews how to find the Scheduleitem and Schedule based on a processed Transaction if a transaction_id is known.

1. Find Transactions by transaction_id. Ensure the transaction's entered_by value is 'Scheduled'.

  • Note the values for customer_token and authorization_amount.

2. Find ScheduleItems by using the customer_token filter.

  • Find a matching Scheduleitem to the processed transaction_id.
  • For the matching Scheduleitem, note the value for schedule_id.

3.  To retrieve any remaining details, Find Schedules by schedule_id.


Upon Finding a Schedule, a Find Scheduleitems request can then be made by using the schedule_id filter. A list of Scheduleitems for the specific Schedule will be returned. For qualifying schedule_item_statuses, per ScheduleItem, a transaction_id value will be available. The transaction_id can then be used to complete a Find Transaction by ID request for more details on the processed transaction.

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