Support Services

eDynamo: Product Guide

The MagTek eDynamo gives you the flexibility to securely accept a variety of payment card technologies, including magnetic stripe cards or EMV chip cards. The eDynamo works with iOS, Android, and Windows devices and can connect wirelessly via Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) (iOS, Android, and Windows systems) or via USB (Windows only)—giving merchants the ability to accept payments on-the-go or while docked to a stationary computer.


Use Cases

The eDynamo is the perfect solution for countertop or mobile payment collection. Your setup will depend on your preferred OS, device, and desired connection type.

Supported OS and Connection Types

The eDynamo supports the following operating systems and corresponding connection types:

DeviceConnection TypeOperating System
Windows PCUSBWindows 7/8.1/10
Windows TabletMicrosoft Surface Go
(works on all tablets that run a supporting OS)
iPad and iPhoneBluetooth LE*iOS 7.1 or newer
Android Phones and TabletsBluetooth LE*Android 4.4.2 or newer

*Requires installation of the Wedget keyboard application from Magtek. The Wedget keyboard should be selected before swiping or dipping the card (This is only a requirement when using Forte Checkout via Bluetooth on Android or iOS devices). Additionally, to use the Wedget keyboard with eDynamo, you must submit a ticket to Forte Technical Support to get your device added to MagTek's Wedget database.

Windows OS

Merchants using Windows PCs or Tablets can connect via Bluetooth or USB to process swipe and EMV credit card transactions. You can use the eDynamo with Forte Checkout, Dex*, BillPay*, or your own custom POS application. For countertop payments, you can opt for an optional dock to stabilize the device to make swiping or dipping easy for customers.

* Supports USB connections only.

iOS and Android OS

Merchants using iOS or Android devices can connect to their eDynamo via the Bluetooth Low Energy connection. For this setup you will need to download and install the MagTek Wedget keyboard extension on the device (see Setting Up an eDynamo on Forte's DevDocs for more information). You can use this setup to collect payments in Forte Checkout or your own custom application, which you can connect to using the Wedget keyboard extension or another MagTek SDK (see Setting Up an eDynamo on Forte's DevDocs for more information). 

Dataflow Diagrams

The following diagram displays the data flow of a transaction using the eDynamo:

  1. Once the credit card is swiped or dipped, the eDynamo passes the data to the POS application via Bluetooth or USB.
  2. The POS application formats the data and transmits it to Forte along with the transaction message.
  3. Forte connects to MagTek's Magensa decryption service to decrypt the eDynamo's encrypted data.
  4. Forte then passes the decrypted data to the processor for authorization and then relays the processor's response back to the POS application.

Encryption and Data Protection

The eDynamo employs the following encryption and data protection standards:

  • All card data is immediately encrypted when swiped or dipped and can only be decrypted by the Magensa decryption service.
  • Card encryption is based on the 3DES  standard, which uses the Data Encryption Standard (DES) cipher three times to encrypt data.
  • For each transaction, the eDynamo employs a Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) key management technology, which generates a new, non-reusable key.
  • For data transmission, the eDynamo relies on MagneSafe® Security Architecture, which safeguards consumers and their personal data. Designed to exceed PCI regulations, MagneSafe leverages strong encryption, secure tokenization, counterfeit detection, tamper recognition, data relevance and integrity, and dynamic digital transaction signatures, which together validate and protect the entire transaction and each of its components.
  • All eDynamo devices come equipped with a non-changeable device serial number.

Compliance Standards

The eDynamo conforms to the following compliance standards:

  • FCC – The FCC mark is a certification for electronic products manufactured or sold in US. It certifies that the electromagnetic interference from the device is under limits approved by the Federal Communications Commission. 
  • CE – Indicates conformity with Health, Safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area. 
  • UL – Indicates that UL has tested samples of a product and determined that the product meets specific, defined requirements based on UL’s published and nationally recognized standards for Safety. 

Card Brands

For Quick Chip EMV and Swipe, the eDynamo supports Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. This includes Visa's 16- and 19-digit  card numbers and Mastercard's 5- and 2-series BINs.

The eDynamo supports Diners Club and China Union Pay credit cards, but only for swipe transactions.

Application Support

With a relatively easy setup, you can use your eDynamo with the following Forte applications: 

Setup includes downloading and installing the MagTek SCRA Web API Host Service (MTSCRA) and, for Forte Checkout, downloading and installing the Wedget keyboard and updating a few lines of code. For more information on setting up an eDynamo for a Forte application, see Setting up an eDynamo on Forte's DevDocs.

You can also integrate your eDynamo device to a custom POS application using the Wedget keyboard or an appropriate API and SDK from Magtek. After receiving the EMV or swipe data from the device, your POS application sends it on to Forte for processing using applicable AGI or REST fields. For more information on setting up an eDynamo for a custom POS application, see Setting up an eDynamo on Forte's DevDocs.

EMV-Compliant Receipts

Merchants are required to create EMV-compliant receipts for all EMV transaction sales and authorizations. Data required to print the receipt can be found in the transaction response data from the Forte Checkout callback or the REST or AGI response objects. Fields displayed in angle brackets (< >) contain the callback field name from Forte Checkout and fields displayed in square brackets ([ ]) contain the response field names from the AGI or REST response messages. Note that these are the minimum requirements; custom formatting is allowed. Below are sample EMV responses from different integration methods as well as a sample EMV receipt.

Sample AGI EMV Response

pg_response_description=TEST APPROVAL 
pg_emv_receipt_data=application_label:VISA DEBIT|entry_mode:CHIP|CVM:5E0000|AID:A0000000031010|TVR:8000008000|IAD:06010A03A08000|TSI:6800|ARC: 

Sample REST EMV Response

stdClass Object
    [transaction_id] => trn_d675487d-3fb6-413d-9e9c-e3e69f6307c5
    [location_id] => loc_xxxxxx
    [action] => sale
    [authorization_amount] => 2
    [entered_by] => ce71ece4f900dcb11b30e511b0b97ea6
    [billing_address] => stdClass Object
            [first_name] => Test
            [last_name] => User
            [physical_address] => stdClass Object
                    [street_line1] => 123 Main Street
                    [postal_code] => 12345


    [response] => stdClass Object
            [environment] => live
            [response_type] => A
            [response_code] => A01
            [response_desc] => APPROVED
            [authorization_code] => 074457
            [avs_result] => N
            [cvv_result] => P
            [emv_receipt_data] => application_label:VISA DEBIT|entry_mode:CHIP|CVM:5E0000|AID:A0000000031010|TVR:8000008000|IAD:06010A03A08000|TSI:6800|ARC:


Forte Checkout EMV Response

   "response_description":"TEST APPROVAL",
   "billing_name":"SHONES GEORGE",
   "billing_street_line1":"500 W. Bethany Drive",
   "billing_street_line2":"Suite 200",
   "billing_email_address":"[email protected]",
   "name_on_card":"SHONES GEORGE",
   "emvReceiptData":"application_label:Discover Credit|entry_mode:CHIP|CVM:1E0300|AID:A0000001523010|TVR:8000008000|IAD:0105A000034000001E030000000000000000|TSI:6800|ARC:"

Sample EMV Receipt

Receipts must contain all the below elements:

Callback Response 
Field or Description
Receipt Format
Transaction TypeSale
Your Business NameCSG Forte
Your Business Address2121 Providence Drive, STE 151
Fort Worth, TX 76106
Your Business Phone866-290-5400
The Local Date and Time of the Transaction9/9/2019 8:10am
Your Forte Merchant ID/LocationMerchant ID: 173185
<terminal_number>Terminal: B43A775
<method_used>Card Type: Visa
<authorization_code>, [pg_authorization_code]Auth Code: 123456
<last_4>Acct No: *************8569
<total_amount>Amount: $10.81
<trace_number>, [pg_trace_number]Transaction ID: 8b0a7b87-09a2-4cb8-a9ea-545881ce80c4
<response_description>, [pg_response_description]Approved
<emvReceiptData.application_label>, [pg_emv_receipt_data.application_label]Application: Capital One
<emvReceiptData.entry_mode>, [pg_emv_receipt_data.entry_mode]Entry Mode: Chip
<emvReceiptData.CVM>, [pg_emv_receipt_data.CVM]CVM: Sign
<emvReceiptData.AID>, [pg_emv_receipt_data.AID]AID: A0000000041010
<emvReceiptData.TVR>, [pg_emv_receipt_data.TVR]TVR: 0000008000
<emvRceiptData.IAD>, [pg_emv_receipt_data.IAD]IAD: 0110606001220000AAC1000
<emvReceiptData.TSI>, [pg_emv_receipt_data.TSI]TSI: E800
<emvReceiptData.ARC>, [pg_emv_receipt_data.ARC]ARC: 01
A Signature Line for the Customerx___________________________________________________                                                              Signature

Ordering eDynamos

You can order your dynamos from Forte's Equipment page by selecting Mobile from the Equipment menu. Each device is $155 + shipping. You can purchase it using a credit card or you can opt for an invoice from Forte. Each device comes standard with a micro-USB-to-USB cable. You can also purchase a docking station for your eDynamo for $55 from Forte or you can order compatible peripherals from Lilitab, a third-party tablet solutions provider.

When ordering, please provide the following information before submitting your order:

  • Contact Name
  • Merchant Name and Address
  • Phone Number
  • Merchant ID to be invoiced

When ordering you can choose your desired shipping speed and include additional instructions in the order.


For issues or questions regarding the Magtek eDynamo, please reach out to Forte Tech Support at


Q. Do I have to purchase my eDynamo from Forte?
A. Yes

Q. How do you know if a merchant is using eDynamo for transactions?

Q. Is the fallback swipe option required?
A. Yes, you should allow for a fallback swipe option in case of EMV error. The number of EMV attempts before a fallback swipe becomes required is based on business rules. Typically, this is 3 EMV attempts.

Q. Does the eDynamo support convenience fee transactions?
A. Yes. Merchants who are set up with convenience fees and split-charge architecture can use eDynamos. The application that processes the transactions should send in the correct fees to Forte.

Q. What is the battery life of the device while connected via Bluetooth?
A. The eDynamo holds a charge for up to 1 week and allows over for 1000 card swipes between charges.

Q. Is there a low battery indicator?
A. No

Q. Is the data encrypted at the device?
A. Yes

Q. What is the warranty on the device?

Q. Does the device always encrypt the data?
A. Yes

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