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Card Processing 

CSG Forte provides the option for merchants to process credit and debit card transactions for their business. With Forte products, merchants can process one-time payments, collect deposits, and charge for subscriptions and monthly services via credit cards.

Credit card processing allows for real-time authorizations via an interface with a third-party credit card processing system. Merchants can process one-time and recurring credit card payments using MasterCard, VISA, Discover, and American Express. 

Forte can accept credit card payments online using products like Dex, BillPay, or Forte Checkout, in person with our Magtek and Verifone terminals, or over the phone with our IVR solution.

Digital Wallets

Mobile payments are streamlined, easy, and convenient for customers. Payment information is stored, eliminating the need to type in payment details for each transaction. Security benefits for digital wallets are tokenization, secure access requiring a password, fingerprint, or face scan, and remote data erasure if a device is stolen or lost. 

Digital Wallets Overview & Datasheet 

Account Updater 

Recurring payments are convenient for you and your customers. However, expired or replaced credit cards can interrupt recurring payments and services. CSG Forte’s Account Updater automatically keeps card data current, giving you and your customers peace of mind. Account Updater is payment processor agnostic and is available as a standalone service.

Account Updater Overview & Datasheet

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