Dept. Process Owner: Integration | Created Date: 05/07/2018 |
CSA: | Version #: 1.2 |
Approved By: Jennifer Frazier | Last Updated: 10/20/2022 |
Advanced Gateway Interface (AGI) offers a SOAP web service for AGI message delivery. Please find details on this web service below. It is fully available today in both live and sandbox environments.
AGI Transaction [SOAP] Web Service – Create payment transactions. See AGI Guide for messaging and response details. This web service has two methods, detailed below:
Locations: Live | Sandbox
Execute Socket Delimited Query - accepts two parameters, "strParameters" (name/value pairs) and "strDelimiter" (a delimiter of your choice).
strParameters=”pg_merchant_id=2000|pg_password=<processing\realtime transaction_password>| pg_transaction_type=20|pg_total_amount=56.92|pg_consumer_id=Consumer123|ecom_consumerorderid=1|ecom_billto_postal_name_first=John|ecom_billto_postal_name_last=Smith|ecom_billto_postal_street_line1=2121 Providence Drive, STE 151|ecom_billto_postal_city=Fort_Worth|ecom_billto_postal_stateprov=TX|ecom_billto_postal_postalcode=76106|pg_entered_by=Clerk|ecom_payment_check_trn=021000021| ecom_payment_check_account=12344321| ecom_payment_check_account_type=C|endofdata|”
·Execute Socket Query - accepts values in a fixed arrangement of select fields
ExecuteSocketQuery(“2000”, “processing\realtime transaction_password”, “20”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “56.92”, “”, “Consumer123”, “1”, “”, “”, “”John”, “Smith”, “2121 Providence Drive, STE 151”, “”, “Fort Worth”, “TX”, “”76106”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “Clerk”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “021000021”, “12344321”,”C”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “