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Forte Checkout - PHP Pay Now Button

PHP sample of the “pay Now” button in sandbox mode


<script src=""></script>



 <div id="message" style="background-color:#e5e5e5"></div> 

  <button api_login_id=<?php echo $APILoginID;?>

  version_number=<?php echo $version;?> 

  total_amount=<?php echo $totalamount;?>

  utc_time=<?php echo $utc;?> 

  order_number=<?php echo $ordernumber;?>

  method=<?php echo $method;?> 


  $data = "$APILoginID|$method|$version|$totalamount|$utc|$ordernumber||";

  $hash = hash_hmac('md5',$data,$SecureTransactionKey);


  signature=<?php echo $hash;?> 

  >Pay Now</button>





Notice that I have masked the transaction key since it’s consider sensitive information.

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