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V400C Plus - Dataflow Diagrams

Standalone Mode

Devices in standalone mode only accept inputs that are swiped, dipped, or manually entered on the device.

  1. The user dips, swipes, or manually enters the card details on the V400C Plus.
  2. The V400C Plus sends the transaction message to Forte's TP.
  3. The TP reaches out to the Merchant's Credit Card Processor.
  4. The Credit Card Processor responds to the TP with an authorization response. 
  5. The TP relays the response to the Terminal.
  6. The Terminal lets the user know if the transaction was approved/declined.

Semi-Hybrid Mode

Devices in semi-hybrid mode wait for a transaction to be initiated by a web-based point-of-sale application, such as Forte Checkout or Secure Web Pay Checkout.

  1. The user enters the transaction information in the web-based application (FCO/SWP) of the POS system.
  2. The POS system, using the device handler, transfers the information to the V400C Plus.
    • The V400C Plus displays the amount sent from the POS and prompts the customer to present his/her card.
    • The user dips, swipes, or manually enters the card details on the V400C Plus.
  3. The V400C Plus sends the transaction message to Forte's TP.
  4. The TP reaches out to the Merchant's Credit Card Processor.
  5. The Credit Card Processor responds to the TP with an Authorization response.
  6. The TP relays the response to the Terminal.
  7. The terminal sends the response to the POS system, using the Device Handler.
  8. te POS system lets the user know if the transaction was approved/declined. 

Native-Hybrid Mode

  1. The user enters the transaction information in the POS system.
    • Native applications that are written in .NET for Windows can use Forte's desktop device handler. Device Handler Desktop Setup Files.
    • Web based POS applications. 

    • Merchants can also use their custom version of Device Handler.

  2. The POS system transfers the information to the V400C Plus.

    • The user dips, swipes or manually enters the card details on V400C.

    • The V400C displays the amount sent from the POS and prompts the customer to present their card.

  3. The V400C sends the transaction message to Forte's TP.
  4. The TP reaches out to the Merchant's Credit Card Processor.
  5. The Credit Card Processor responds to the TP with the Authorization response.
  6. The TP relays the response to the Terminal.
  7. The terminal sends the response to the POS system, using the Device Handler.
  8. The POS system lets the user know if the transaction was approved/declined. 

Forte-Compatible Products

  • Forte Checkout (FCO)
  • Secure Web Pay (SWP)

For more Information, please refer to our Manuals:


V400c Plus User Manual Desktop (

V400c Plus User Manual Mobile (

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